Have you ever noticed that any time you’re about to make a decision, your body sends you a signal? It can be very subtle, and if you’re not careful you could miss it. But it IS there! This signal is called your intuition, otherwise known as your gut feeling, and I’m going to write about why it’s so important to trust this message your body is sending you!
What Gut Feeling?
Now, you may be reading this and wondering what feeling am I even referring to? Well like I said, it could be easy to miss. Normally when we’re faced with a decision and we consider our options, each option causes our bodies to react a certain way. We may feel anxious, confused, or uneasy when considering one option. And we may feel confident, calm, and clear when considering another. If we aren’t able to notice any of these feelings, it’s a sign we need to get more in tune with ourselves. I strongly believe everyone knows what is best for their own life. No one else can tell you what is best for you. Meaning that any answer we are searching for is already within us. We just have to take the necessary steps to uncover it.
How To Recognize Your Intuition
If you’re struggling with making a difficult decision, I encourage you to dig a little deeper. Take some time to sit with yourself and be alone in silence. Do whatever helps you feel present in the moment. Whatever helps you feel most connected to yourself, God, your spirit, etc. and you will soon find the answer you are searching for. I personally find solitude, meditation and prayer to be extremely helpful in helping me find clarity in confusing situations. Being able to get out in nature helps me a lot too!
Making The “Right” Choice
Once you are able to identify your body’s messages, it should help guide you in making the best decision for yourself. In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra describes it like this: “At the moment you consciously make a choice, pay attention to your body and ask your body, ‘If I make this choice, what happens?’ If your body sends a message of comfort, that’s the right choice. If your body sends a message of discomfort, then it’s not the appropriate choice.” I have seen many memes and quotes on social media that support this theory as well. I’ve included a few of them below.
Why Our Intuition Is True And Important
So now that we know what the feelings actually are and how to become aware of them, why is it important to be attuned to these feelings? I’ll describe it like this. Everything is energy and everything carries a vibration with it. Our bodies are energy and they can pick up on energies outside of us quickly. They process this information very fast, way faster than our minds can. As I said before, we all already know what is best for us whether consciously, or subconsciously. Our gut feelings are our subconscious, our higher selves, trying to alert our conscious minds of what is or isn’t right for us. It is wise to listen to these feelings, as they are there to guide us in making the best decisions for ourselves.
I have gone against my intuition and gut feelings many times. And when I did this, I always found myself feeling unhappy, stuck, and lost. I learned, through experience, to just listen to my body and let it help guide me in making life decisions. I’ve had to learn to trust my instincts, and I am still learning. But since I’ve been doing this, my life has been much more peaceful and fulfilling. The great thing about life is it’s an endless learning journey. Life will keep presenting us with the experiences we need to teach us whatever lesson(s) we’re supposed to learn. If we don’t get it right the first time, don’t worry. There’s always an opportunity to try again!
In conclusion, our higher self always knows what’s best for us and it will communicate this with us through feelings. Pay attention to those feelings, become attuned to them so you can let them guide you in the right direction. If you’re having trouble getting in touch with your feelings, take some alone time to connect with Source. Remember, the answer is already within you! Always trust yourself and your gut feelings. Intuition is very real and it will protect you from people and circumstances not meant for you. You’ve got this!!